Monday, October 21, 2013

Avoid Debt By Not Paying Social Security

John Aravosis, from AmericaBlog, critiqued the way some republicans think that it’s easy to get rid of the debt. According to republicans there was no terrible consequence if they didn’t raise the debt ceiling. One republican in general, George Will, actually thought that there was enough revenue coming in that is needed to pay the debt. Except it’s all going to certain programs that are consuming a lot of money like social security. George states that “default is a choice” since we could pay off the debt if we reduce/eliminate other expenditures. He believes that we should first pay off the debt and then worry about home problems.
John believes that none of the people receiving social security should get deprived from those benefits. Most of the elderly are depending on social security to have a decent life. And if their benefits are removed to pay off the debt, those people are going to have a miserable life or even worse death. John states “America has ten times the money it needs to pay of its debt. All it has to do is kill off its citizens”.
I agree with John because if it were so easy to pay off the debt we would not be in this situation right now. Also the elderly people receiving social security are only being compensated for all those years that they were working. Plus they are only complaining when it comes to paying back to those people and not when they are paying into the system.

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